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Selecting search methods

When you search materials in a library, various situations and purposes are thought to be possible. For example, in some cases, target materials are definite since you know book titles or ISBNs, or materials related broadly to some topics are to be found in other cases.

LIMEDIO provides the following three methods to search materials. Select a suitable one of them for your purposes or preference.

Enter keywords to the textbox for the normal search. There is no need to consider search items, which enables material search from a wide range of information.
For example, suppose you enter “Hemmingway” to the textbox. In this case, the materials that he wrote are searched, and in addition, the ones whose tiles contain “Hemmingway,” such as “The days of Hemmingway,” are also searched.

In the normal search, the materials provided in the external services are also searched, as well as the ones held in the library (you usually use). If the target books or materials are not definite yet, the normal search enables you to search materials from a wide range of sites.


  • Available external services depend on the library settings.

Materials are searched without entering conditions. Clicking [Category search] shows the page of the category list. From the list of hierarchical categories, select and trace categories suitable for the target materials to get to the destination.

This method is effective when you do not find suitable keywords for search conditions.


  • A single material may be provided in multiple categories.

This is the method for the users who want to do specialized and technical search. Clicking [Advanced search] shows the page for specifying search conditions.
Enter conditions to each textbox in the page.

If you already know the information of the target material, such as ISBN, publication year or location, enter such information as the conditions to refine the result to get to the destination easily.


  • For example, if you enter “Hemmingway” to the Author textbox, the materials written by Hemmingway only will be searched. The materials of other authors such as “The days of Hemmingway” will not be searched.

